1 RARE Joyce Gibson Mandel Original B&W 120 Film Negative transparency

1 RARE Joyce Gibson Mandel Original B&W 120 Film Negative transparency
1 RARE Joyce Gibson Mandel Original B&W 120 Film Negative transparency
1 RARE Joyce Gibson Mandel Original B&W 120 Film Negative transparency
1 RARE Joyce Gibson Mandel Original B&W 120 Film Negative transparency
1 RARE Joyce Gibson Mandel Original B&W 120 Film Negative transparency
1 RARE Joyce Gibson Mandel Original B&W 120 Film Negative transparency

1 RARE Joyce Gibson Mandel Original B&W 120 Film Negative transparency
Another negative up for sale of a very pretty lady who got really strange looking towards the end. 1 (one) vintage 1970's era negative, 120 film. 2.25" x 2.25" sized transparency, the actual picture area is cut off- not sure if it was the last shot on the roll or what. I have several others of her and no idea how to price these because i cannot find evidence of their past sales values, so forgive me but i'm going to have to start high. Feel free to troll, bait or chide me in the msgs, i'd love to hear your side/thoughts and you can't hurt my feelings. This might need a cleaning- either with air or some sort of negative solvent/wash that i do not possess.

I've had this about 20+ years now and its time to go. I've let my Photoshop subscription lapse and while figure that out i'm just inverting the levels/adjusting the colors caveman style, in Preview... And the ceiling light is reflected on the neg. I will have a bunch more movie stars, found oddballs, 1950's and 1960's cheesecake, original negatives (in various formats) and gelatin-silver prints up for sale in the coming weeks..

Check back if this is your thing.

1 RARE Joyce Gibson Mandel Original B&W 120 Film Negative transparency

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