Louise Brooks Silent film Hollywood Beauty Stylish Glamorous Photo, Vintage

Louise Brooks Silent film Hollywood Beauty Stylish Glamorous Photo, Vintage
Louise Brooks Silent film Hollywood Beauty Stylish Glamorous Photo, Vintage
Louise Brooks Silent film Hollywood Beauty Stylish Glamorous Photo, Vintage
Louise Brooks Silent film Hollywood Beauty Stylish Glamorous Photo, Vintage

Louise Brooks Silent film Hollywood Beauty Stylish Glamorous Photo, Vintage

I bought this from a Brooksie collector many decades ago. When bought the photo originally it was in this frame.

This is a photo printed for promotions, hence some washout above and below, but this is a very cute photo, very old and it says "best wishes"with no name below which is rare in signed collectibles. This is not reproduction and is original from her later silent films asked in Germany and abroad. Photo should be kept in dark room or limited sunshine or stored to preserve its beauty.

Frame is missing the fold out stand but easily fixed or simply hang on a wall! I hate to let go of this piece but it's time to share!

Louise Brooks Silent film Hollywood Beauty Stylish Glamorous Photo, Vintage

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